The Lookouts The Lookouts - One Planet One People

In these times of darkness
Sometimes it's hard to go on
Sometimes it's hard to believe
That we'll ever see the dawn
Sometimes I wanna surrender
Bury my dreams in the night
But somewhere beyond the horizon
I feel the gathering of the light
No more time for destruction
No more crying alone
It's time to get off our asses
And make this planet our home
Fuck your countries fuck your systems
They're all the enemy of the human race
No more religion no more authority
No more living in shame and disgrace
This planet belongs to every living there
No room for masters no room for slaves
No room for greed or lust for power
Learn this lesson or we'll dance on your graves
It's time for freedom to grow everywhere
It's time for freedom that we all can share
I'm sick of people who just don't care
Who cry and moan and say life's unfair
Our life is our own if we only dare
To live the way our hearts tell us how
To live every minute starting right now
It's time for freedom to grow everywhere
It's time for freedom that we all can share
One planet one people the only way it can be
One planet one people and we'll all live free