The Lookouts The Lookouts - Trees

Far from the eyes of stupid grinning man
In endless shades of green the ancient forest stands
Where water mingles with the earth beneath the tangled sky
Kissed by the sun's deep fire the mighty trees grow high
They take the poison air we breathe and make it clean again
Sometimes it seems like mother nature is our only friend
But off in the distance I can hear the engines howl
The scream of the bulldozer the tractor's ugly growl
Ripping great bloody gouges in our mother's flesh
Leaving only gaping scars where she once nursed us at her breast
And now in her hour of darkness trying to ease the pain
Turns her face up to the sky to be washed with acid rain
The earth is quiet now waiting for the storm
Some have taken shelter they already have been warned
But most of us must wait without to meet our awful fate
Because for this poor planet the warning came too late
And now as we walk this barren land beneath a poison sky
Fill the aching universe with our final cry